Things are changing in the world of gas ECU. The VELA Freestyle of the COMFORTline is entering the market, and by doing so it broadens the offer of ELPIGAZ. The VELA Freestyle is the 4th generation sequential gas injection system, developed for medium and higher class vehicles, equipped with 2-, 3- and 4-Cylinder engines with multipoint fuel injection system, a Lambda sensor, and power ranging between 20 and 250 HP. It can be applied together with LPG (propane-butane) and CNG (compressed methane). The VELA draws attention by its smart design and high quality finish. Its virtues are best summarised by three words: PLUG –> SETUP & GO! The simplicity of connections allows for a faster conversion and a higher level of reliability. The other benefits are an auto-adaptation, intuitive configuration and simple calibration of running on gas by means of a load graph – when it is done, the vehicle is ready to run on gas fuel. Drivers get their own benefit too, that is a modernised, smart changeover switch. The intelligent switch warns about the empty gas tank with a buzzer sound, and it is indicating the real gas level by means of a row of LEDs related to the engine consumption. The designers have strived to achieve the VELA’s reliability, irrespective of the season of the year, the ambient temperature, even in severe winter conditions (The gas injectors warming up option). The diagnostics of operation on gas fuel, available at ELPIGAZ gas systems belonging to COMFORTline group, has been broadened to gain extra functionalities such as sensor signal emulation. Another interesting feature is the way the petrol injectors can be cut off, with available options to choose the plugs that can be applied ie. Bosch, Japan, etc. New functionalities have been introduced, especially useful for turbocharged engines (but not limited to them), namely: the pressure reduction when leaving the Cut-Off and setting up the number of cycles for the Cut-Off, to name just two.
VELA name comes from the name of the constellation, which translated from Latin means SAIL.
time: 1:38s
Prezentacja firmy ELPIGAZ, wiodącego producenta i dostawcy nowoczesnych rozwiązań dla motoryzacji w zakresie gazowych układów zasilania pojazdów, zbiorników LPG i ciśnieniowych zbiorników powietrza oraz sprężarek.
czas trwania: 5:17s
Relacja z uroczystości wręczania Medali Europejskich BCC, która odbyła się 9 listopada 2011 r. w Salach Redutowych Teatru Wielkiego - Opery Narodowej w Warszawie. Wśród laureatów jest spółka ELPIGAZ, która zdobyła medal za zbiorniki LPG MoreMo i Hit!
czas trwania: 4:19s
Nowy samochód Skoda Citigo z instalacją COMFORTline - Stella Polare firmy ELPIGA przy zachowaniu wszystkich gwarancji.
czas trwania: 5:01s
LPG Tour 2011 to projekt promocji LPG zorganizowany przez dystrybutora ELPIGAZ na terenie Czech - firmę HTS. W ramach konwoju dziesięć różnych pojazdów zasilanych LPG przebyło trasę 2600 km z Czech do Grecji, udowadniając, że jazda na LPG jest ekonomiczna i ekologiczna. Konwój LPG dotarł aż do Saloników na 74. Międzynarodowe Targi Motoryzacji.
czas trwania: 13:28s